Each year, teams need to predict their costs in order to develop fees and fundraisers that will support the coming swim season. MSABC has put together the following guide to help teams develop an operating budget that allows for both predicted and unexpected expenses.
Annual Team Registration Cost 2024-25 $200 (was $15).
Required BC Society Filings Annual Report Fee: $40; Certificate of Good Standing: $35.
Coaching Registration If teams elect to pay the registration fees for their coaches, the cost for 2024-25 will be $128.25 for level D coaches. Some teams are able to employ coaches who already have paid these fees through an age group affiliation.
All coaches must be certified to be on deck. If you are hiring a new coach who is not yet certified, you can anticipate certification costs (such as paying for a criminal record check, coaching course, Making Ethical Decisions, Safe Sport, and possibly advanced training modules. More course info here). It is suggested that clubs budget a minimum of $200 per new, previously uncertified coach plus registration fees. MSABC may reimburse some course fees.
Swimmer Registration Typically teams incorporate the annual swimmer registration fee into the yearly fees. For 2024-25, the annual fee (payable to Swim BC) will be $64 (or $69 for Dogwood swimmers).
Other Anticipated Costs Most teams will rent lanes and pay fees to the facility. These are the largest costs for most teams and vary by facility and municipality. Other costs to consider are team caps, teams shirts and other team apparel. Teams may also wish to have a team banner and fund team functions & socials. Admin costs typically include website fees, society filings, and bank fees.
Fees & Fundraising Set a reasonable participant fee (quarterly or yearly) to cover your anticipated costs and to build a cushion for unexpected costs and/or enrollment fluctuation. Fundraising efforts can help you create a cushion. Effective fundraisers include hosting swim meets, hosting clinics, applying for local, & provincial grants, and swim-a-thons.