BC Records: Your times are captured automatically at all sanctioned meets in BC. We anticipate that Swim BC will post BC Masters records in the near future.
For Canadian records, please submit the appropriate form to the Meet Manager as directed in the meet package for the meet in which you will attempt the record swim.
Canadian Record Form
Canadian Records: Online at Swim Rankings (search by gender, age, and LC or SC). Due to the challenges of the new Swimming Canada registration system (REMS), there may be a delay in posting the records.
For a World Record, please go to their website and complete the necessary paperwork. Note: you should complete the paperwork before your meet and bring it to the meet so that the swim can be properly verified.
World Records: World records can be found on the World Aquatics website.
Meet Managers: You will be able to download a file into the Meet Manager program that will automatically flag BC Masters records. The file will be updated after each meet and is available from Swim BC.