If you anticipate setting a record, be sure to complete the correct paperwork BEFORE the meet. Send an electronic copy to the Meet Manager and bring a hard copy to give to the Clerk of the Course. BC/Canadian record forms are attached to the meet package. If you want a split to count for a record, complete a split request form at the meet. For World records, use the World Aquatics form.
If you set a record from a meet outside of Canada, please follow the Swimming Canada link. You must include a copy of the meet package and the meet results file (Hytek (CL2, Zip) or Splash (SD3) files only) to Swimming Canada.
Swim BC is currently updating our BC Masters records. Before a record can be accepted, the meet result file must be accurate for all swimmers. Although MSABC has linked the most recent results file for each meet, some result files have internal errors (incorrect swimmer name, ID, birthdate, etc). Each entry must match the exact listing as found in REMS.
Canadian records can be found at Swim Rankings. Be sure to select long course/short course, age group, and men or women.
If you have a record from a meet outside of Canada, please follow the
Swimming Canada link. You must include a copy of the meet package and the meet results file (Hytek (CL2, Zip) or Splash (SD3) files only) to Swimming Canada.
League Trophy Divisions are determined by team size as reflected in the MSABC members list provided by Swim BC. It is not unusual for a team to change division groups from year to year.